Approved Site Location Applications
As the Governor-designated Water Quality Management Agency for the Cherry Creek Reservoir watershed, CCBWQA reviews site applications for domestic wastewater treatment works, including WWTFs, lift stations, and interceptor sewers. Authority reviews address protection of Cherry Creek Reservoir and the watershed with respect to phosphorus and nitrogen, general water quality, protection of downstream water quality to protect water supplies, and adequacy of proposed design processes and capacity to protect water quality. As required by Regulation 72, CCBWQA must report annually on approved site applications.
In 2019, three site applications were reviewed by CCBWQA, received from Parker Water & Sanitation District, Colorado Parks and Wildlife and Arapahoe County Water and Wastewater Authority.
Parker Water & Sanitation District (PWSD) submitted a site application for the North Wastewater Reclamation Facility Improvements Phase 1A (NWRF P1A). The NWRF P1A will increase the permitted capacity from 2.0 mgd to 3.8 mgd, average annual flow. CCBWQA recommended the project for approval with the following conditions: require that the North Wastewater Reclamation Facility (NWRF) Operations plan be updated to include the NWRF Phase 1A improvements; and include CCBWQA as a notification, if there is a non-permitted discharge or spill to the Cherry Creek watershed, and require that the PWSD’s Emergency Response Plan include notification of CCBWQA, if there is a non-permitted discharge or spill to the Cherry Creek watershed.
Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) submitted an application for replacement of its Cherry Creek State Park Lift Station. The replacement included upgrades to overflow storage and differential flow metering. CPW updated their Emergency Response Plan to be in compliance with Authority's Site Application Review Process and Emergency Response Plan Criteria.
Arapahoe County Water and Wastewater Authority (ACCWA) submitted an amendment to existing site approval for installation of equipment in the third Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) reactor tank and third secondary clarifier. The equipment will bring BNR reactor tank #3 and secondary clarifier tank #3 into service. No change was proposed in the permitted treatment capacities of Maximum Month Average of 3.60 Million Gallons per Day (MGD) with a Peak Hour of 10.90 MGD and a maximum organic capacity of 9,908 pounds BOD5 per day. The project is expected to improve reliability and redundancy of the system.