[2022 AR] Precipitation

2022 Report



  • Precipitation patterns are a factor in the Reservoir’s water quality due to impacts on inflows, water temperature, exchange rates, and overall reservoir dynamics.
  • Both the new Cherry Ck MET Station (MHFD 10091) and the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) at the Centennial Airport Station (KAPA) were used to measure precipitation into the Reservoir. Historical averages are based on KAPA values.
  • Water Year 2022 precipitation at the KAPA site (11 inches) was approximately 75% of 2006-2022 average.
  • Precipitation was much drier than average in the fall (Oct - Dec), April and June, and was much higher than average in August due to a major storm event.


Weather Station


The Cherry Ck MET Station (MHFD 10091) went online in June 2021. This local weather better captures localized precipitation impacts and was used for the Reservoir water balance in WY 2022. Total WY 2022 precipitation at the Cherry Ck station was almost 2 inches higher than at the KAPA station - primarily due to storms in May and August.

More weather station details, including weekly and monthly rolling averages and cumulative values for selected dates can be found on the CCBWQA Portal Precipitation Investigation Tool.

Precipitation also varied across the watershed, and ranged from approximately 70% to 125% of the 30-year (1991-2020) PRISM average precipitation data generated by NOAA/National Weather Service. The watershed as a whole received approximately 103% of the 30-year average, while areas just above Cherry Creek Reservoir generally received less than average precipitation.

Percent of Normal Precipitation

Percent of Normal Precipitation graph

Useful Links

Precipitation banner

Precipitation at Centennial Airport (KAPA) and Cherry Ck Met Station in WY2022 in Comparison to 2006-2022 Year KAPA Average

2006-2022 Average
Cherry Ck

Weather Station Data Viewer

Daily Precipitation Totals Over Time (inches/day)

MHFD Cherry Ck